Welcome to SCA!
Sofia Christian Academy (SCA) serves the English-speaking missionary community of Sofia, Bulgaria, by providing a distinctly Christ-centered, and academically excellent education. The students will be trained spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically from a biblical worldview, so that they will think critically, reason linearly, and communicate effectively for the glory of God.
Sofia Christian Academy is a small school family, committed to an excellent academic tradition based on the schooling system of the USA. A classical Christian education is the foundation of what we offer and in which our students are trained. Parents and volunteers are actively involved in all aspects of SCA whose undergirding principle is to come alongside parents as they nurture, disciple, and train their children. Parental involvement runs the spectrum, from full time teaching, teaching one class, from participating on the Board to assisting a full time teacher, from covering the lunch and recess break to teaching PE, and from handling the school’s finances to making sure all supplies are stocked!
Most of our teachers are also missionaries who raise their own support, and who God has called to serve Sofia’s missionary community. Qualified teachers from within the Bulgarian community join us as needed. The SCA family is committed to encouraging, valuing, and supporting each other and our teachers in every way possible.